Thursday, September 19, 2013

Cup o’ Joe

If I had all the time in the world, I would start up a blog dedicated solely to my son, who turns FOUR tomorrow, and the hilariousness that comes out of his mouth on a daily basis. I’d call it something like ‘Cup o’ Joe,’ or ‘The Book of Joe’ or something much funnier and wittier that I am far too tired to come up with right now. Instead, I will share a few recent quips from the little guy, who celebrates his entrance into this great big world tomorrow, and who brings me love and light and a genuine smile to my face each and every day.

Who turns FOUR? THIS GUY. (Photo credit goes to Mel at Loft3--she bad and she know it.)

Earlier this week….

…his little sister Miss P, found his Peter Pan figurine stuck in the pilot’s deck of his beloved Millenium Falcon. I am certain he put it there (it is the kind of thing only Joe would think of to do) who knows how many days or weeks ago, but even so, Pili took him off guard when she found it. The conversation went like this (verbatim, according to Jack):

P: “Here  you go, JoJo. Here’s your Peter Pan.” (handing the precious figurine to him.)
J: “WOW, Pili, you found my Peter Pan! I haven’t seen him in YEARS! Thanks ,P, you’re a HERO!”
P: (Smiles the ‘That’s what I thought’ smile, and is quite obviously pleased with herself.)

Siblings. Also heroes (to each other). 
…on the way home from school I may have passed gas (I had two cups of coffee that day, totally not the norm for me!). Joe, who sits right behind me in the driver’s seat, says, “Sheeeeeew-eeee, I think somebody has stinky pants and her name starts with a ‘P’ and she’s part of our family!” (We always like to play these kind of ‘whodunit’ games.) Pili, who looks appalled by the charged offense, retorts, “No I DIDN’T, JoJo.” (It’s incredible that she even understands she has been implicated as the aggressor in this situation. She’s clever.) Meanwhile, I, the clear one to blame here, kept mum (or Mum), bit my lip, and silently shook I was laughing so hard. I kind of feel bad for letting Pili take the fall on that one. Well, not really. 

P was embarrassed. Joe thought it was hilarious that his sister tooted. Joke's on both of 'em--it was me!
…the same day as the gas incident, he tells me “Mommy, you know who is my best friend?” “Who, Joseph? ” (I’m waiting for Kellan or Natalie, Olivia or Webster to come out of his mouth.) “Daddy is my best friend.” “Aw, Joe, I think Daddy will be happy to hear that. Is Mommy your friend, too?” “Yeah, you’re my best friend. But Daddy is my BEST best friend.” I’m more than okay with losing out ‘best friend’ status to my hubby, who is clearly the ‘cool’ one, since I’m pretty fond of Joe’s Daddy, too. It’s a darn good thing, because I’ve got a little Jack on my hands with Joe. Both little scientists/observers, both a bit naturally suspicious, both clever with words and full of wit. Good dudes, those JAGs.

My two JAGs. Can't imagine life without 'em. 
…and yet another tale from the day of the gas incident—we get home that day and he asks for a snack. He requests Fire Roasted Tomato and Olive Oil Triscuits and cheese. I think he likes this particular flavor of Triscuit because they have somewhat of a red color—and the kid is ALL ABOUT red. “Ummmm ummm, Mommy, these crackers sure are good and spicy!” “Spicy, huh, Joe?” “Yup. Spicy is another word for yummy, Mommy.” Fair enough. This kid’s appetite is insatiable lately—asking for seconds and thirds at dinner (except for his veggies, of course), multiple glasses of milk during a sitting. I am starting to think it will be cheaper to buy a cow during his teenage years than to supply this kid with milk. Milk does this boy’s body good!

Flexin' his muscles in his shadow.
Last week…

we celebrated my Pawpaw’s birthday. Pawpaw is now in Heaven, and we said special prayers for him on that day before bedtime. Joe very innocently looked at me and said, “Do you think Pawpaw gets to play with the dinosaurs in Heaven?” And then, very naturally, he asked, “Mommy, are there even dinosaurs in Heaven?” He stumps me on a regular basis with his questions. Hmmm, dinosaurs in Heaven? Why not?

That's my little thinker on the left. On the right? My doer. Photo courtesy of Melanie at Loft3.
…he says to me, after looking through a catalog that came in the mail with various Halloween tchotchke and trinkets, “I don’t think any of these things are part of our world,” (referring to the witches and goblins and ghouls and, in general , the scary, spooky things he was seeing that will probably give him nightmares—he’s very into ‘what’s part of our world’ and ‘what’s not part of our world’ right now—told ya I have a thinker on my hands!). He then goes on to say, “And we don’t have any bad girls in our world, right Mom?” STUMPED yet again. How I longed to shield his innocence and say, “You’re right, Joseph, there are no bad guys in our world.” But the Navy Yard shootings had just taken place so the fact that the world can be a not-so-nice place was in the forefront of my mind.  I opted to explain to him that there are some ‘bad guys’ in our world, but there are more good guys. I thought that was sufficient for a four year old wise beyond his years.
My little thinker; his wheels are always turnin.' Photo courtesy of Melanie at Loft3.
Speaking of bad guys, he said to me earlier this summer, “Mom, I love you. (Nothing better than an unsolicited ‘I love you,’ followed by an unsolicited kiss.) But don’t worry, I’ll never put you in jail.” Bonus!

Thanks for not puttin' me in jail, little guy. But I think I'd get more sleep there. 

Also from earlier this summer…

…on a day when I was feeling particularly nostalgic for my summers in Spain, and also when his dear Miss Carly was in Spain herself, we read Ferdinand, one of his favorite books. Spain was hot on our minds. 

JoJo: "You guys are gonna take me to Spain someday, right? To show me all the beautiful things?"
Steph:"Yes, JoJo. That's right."
JoJo: "Well, I think Friday would be a nice day to go to Spain.”

He’s old enough to understand ANY day is a nice day to go to Spain. Well-played, Joseph.

Both kids in their Spain uniforms. Summer 2012--when Spain won the Europe Cup. Campeones!
…Joe had to set our neighbor straight (and protect his little sister):

Miss Tracy (our spastic/no filter/ whirling dervish of a neighbor that my kids are really fond of): "OH. MY. God. What IS that thing on her neck?"
Joe: "Calm down, Tracy, it's just her birthmark. It's called a He-Man genoma." 

Boys and their super heroes...boys and their little sisters. *Smile.*

Two seconds later, he was hugging her. He's a good big brother like that. Photo courtesy of Melanie at Loft3.
…I was with Joe and P at the park before dinner one night. Joe had his hands in his mouth (Gah!) AGAIN.

Steph: "Joe, WHEN will you finally stop putting things in your mouth?!" (Exasperated.)
Joseph: "Ummmm. Probably Saturday. Or when I'm five."

When he's five? I'll believe it when I see it.

I don’t know what it is about Joe, but he ALWAYS has something in his mouth. Always. We recently got family pics taken and at one point, our photographer looked over at Joe, who had been meandering about doing who knows what, and he had a stick in his mouth. A STICK. Whatty? Good news: he’s passed this trait along to his sister.

Told ya. Stick in the mouth. Photo courtesy of Melanie at Loft3. 
This boy. I tell you. He’s my walking heart, an extension of me. I love him so, and love how he’s shaped my camino. Thanks, little buddy, for being my bestest boy. My Cup 'o Joe runneth over! Happy Fourth Birthday.

The JoJo

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