Friday, August 9, 2013

Sweet P, Keeper of My Soul

A gal only turns two once—and that’s what PKG did over the weekend. Last Friday, our little P-spunk celebrated two revolutions around the sun.  And so I write this post in honor of Pili Kate, our firecracker of a daughter, who has helped me more on my camino of late than she will ever realize. 

It’s always a nice (albeit expected) feeling when your little toddler still occasionally needs you, long after the newborn days of milking you like a cow and/or using you as her human pacifier. But you know what’s not expected? When you need her. ‘Tis true: that little girl has been my saving grace of late—her smile has lifted my rough days, her laughter has filled my soul, her hugs have reminded me that life is simple. And good.

The simple and good life
Miss P, to celebrate your 730+ (and here’s to many more!) days in our lives, I am listing five things I absolutely, positively, without a doubt love and adore about you:

God whispers and the world is loud (your voice!)

A version of this refrain rests on our hutch in the dining room, Sweet P. It was given to us by dear friends shortly after you were born and it always gets me a thinkin.’ This world is a loud, loud place, and so the need to find your niche, your voice, is pivotal to carving out your space on this earth. And you know what? I’m not worried. Your voice, both literal and figurative, is already developing—and well.

You came out kicking and screaming. Your cry as a youngin’ was piercing and shrill. Though you spoke no words for quite some time (you didn’t need to! Your brother spoke and understood ‘Pili’ better than any of us!), you used your voice to always make your message loud and clear. You babbled to no end as an infant (flashback vid!), always keeping up with your brother, and always, always with an intensity and a look about you that conveyed you clearly knew what you were talkingabout, it was the rest of us [idiots]that didn’t.
Now that you have gotten older, you speak with more clarity—and you still have moments, like in your baby days, where you have a lot to say, and other times where your wheels are just turning in that crafty mind of yours. You know what I like best about how your voice is developing? That you already seem to know when to use it, and you already seem to know when to listen. I can respect that, my P girl. Check that—more than respect that, I love that about you.

As the saying goes—the world IS a loud place, and God whispers. You seem to have a keen sense when you need to take on a listening role already, and that’s going to be invaluable to you in this country full of talkity-talk-talk-talkers. I’ll never forget when I was so upset earlier this summer by a pretty tough situation going on in my professional world and I couldn’t help but break down crying in front of you, you who reminded me how fragile and precious life is, you who reminded me of the things that really matter. You looked at me with a seriousness that was beyond your little years and said in  your sweet PKG voice, ‘You okay, Mommy? Why you cry, Mommy?’ and then proceeded to pat me on the back and say ‘It’s okay, Mommy.’ My littlest lady, that literal voice of yours asking me if I was okay, and that figurative voice that reflected a compassion beyond your toddler years made me surrender to your sweet, honey-bear soul. And it’s the reason I have gladly let you sleep next to me in our bed this summer, even though you kick the ever-livin’ snot out of me most of the night—because I needed you, Sweet P. Sometimes a Momma just needs that closeness with her baby girl.

A Momma and her daughter
The moments in which you do use your voice to your advantage—I gotta say, you make me proud. It is my greatest mission in life to raise my kiddos by their Daddy’s side to be happy,  comfortable in their own skin, and self-assured—whether quietly and with a steadfast manner, or more outwardly assertive (readers, in our house I like to call Pili and myself ‘assertive,’ not bossy—it’s all in how you package it, ya know?). I kinda get the feeling you are going to go the assertive route—maybe by the way you told me what shoes, necklace and earrings to wear the other day (‘Not dat one, Mommy, DAT one!’) or maybe by the way you told me what you wanted for dinner the other night (‘NO Mac n’ Cheese Mommy, I want PIZZA.’)—and that’s more than fine by me. There is nothing more I could hope for than you going after what you want. From dinner desires to selecting your accessories (oh, Sweet P, I love your love of accessories—it’s a trait you clearly get from me!), you always have a clear preference of how you want things to be. Gotta admire that about you, girl.
The point is, Miss P, that you have a beautiful voice, a beautiful self. May you continue to hone that strong voice that the Man Upstairs gifted you with, both on the days you use it loud and clear, and the days you use it with less force, but no less conviction. And may you be able to discern when to use your forceful voice and when to use your gentle one, PKG, as that, too, is a gift—one that takes practice, experience, and hard knocks to develop.

The best medicine (your laugh!)

Girl, you can laugh with the best ofthem. Anyone who has heard your giggle can’t help but fall into fits of laughter themselves.  And you know what the best part about your laugh is? That it can entice your brother into the deepest of belly laughs. You LIVE to make your brother, who is your bestest friend and idol, giggle—and when you do, you reign victorious and consider your day 100% complete. Let me tell you, Pilarín, it makes JoJo’s day complete, too. Oh, and mine and your Daddy-o’s for good measure.

While this video is not my finest specimen of parenting, it’s the perfect example of how your laugh takes us all in and makes us want to chuckle right alongside of you, no matter what shenanigans you are trying to pull (I couldn’t press the ‘stop’ button even against my better judgment. Your laugh always leaves me wanting more!):

And this video is the perfect example of how your laugh takes us all in and makes us want to chuckle right alongside of you, most especially your brother. It also highlights another thing I love: that your Daddy can make BOTH of you laugh like none other: 

The window to your soul (your eyes!)

Sweet heavens, Pilicakes, do you have purty blue eyes. Those eyes are gonna get you out of all kinds of trouble growing up. You know how I know that? Because you’ve got your Daddy’s eyes and his have done the same for him—mostly gettin’ him outta trouble with me. You already know how to work those eyes on your Daddy-o, but I, well, I’m wise to ya. It doesn’t mean I’m not going to fall for them hook, line and sinker more times than I’ll care to admit—but just know that I’m on to you and the pickles you may try and get out of by using those sky blue peekers.

Those eyes? Yes, those eyes. 
You know what else I love about your blue eyes? The fact that they were so unexpected. Yes, your Dad has them, but I’m still stunned that NONE of my (dominant) Italian genes were passed on to you, my fair skinned blanquita with the bluest of blue eyes and a Spanish name. Your baby blues are the window to your soul, and by extension mine. You smile beautifully with those eyes, girl—and if your Dad, brother and I have our way, you will always have reason to smile.

 The way you heal us (your hugs!)

Anyone who has been really and truly hugged by you knows that your embrace can unfurl a million smiles—and heal any hurt (at least temporarily). Had a bad day? Dr. Pili can fix you with one of her hugs! Sometimes I’d like to prescribe some of the grumps I come across in a day with one of your dynamite huggies.

Post Pili squeeze: best feeling ever

Also, anyone who has been really and truly hugged by you may or may not experience their eyes briefly bugging out of their sockets. Uf! Dang girl, you’ve got a good grip on you—and you pour all of that spunk you’re packin’ into your abrazos. There’s a reason your beloved Miss Kathryn nicknamed you ‘Squeezy.’ And there’s a reason your beloved Miss Carly calls your hugs ‘Pili squeezes.’ I live for when you charge up to me, gaining force in your short and choppy steps, and I lift you up and you wrap your arms around my neck and your legs around my hips and you latch on and just pour mighty little love into your hugs. Best. Feeling. Ever.

 The way you light up a room (your smile!)

                It’s better to let the images speak for themselves on this one.

Probably calling China. Or 911. 
Everyone smiles on their first trip to Skyline! 
Pili and her buddy Santi!
P and two of her faves--Joe and Michael Dia

You can see the smiles and hear the giggles
Girl, I could write for days thinking about all the things I love about you. The way you dance. The way you do Pilartes. The way you count and sing. Your naturally highlighted hair. And the list goes on and on...

It goes without saying that you’re un rayo de sol, my Sunshine P, and one of the brightest spots in my everyday camino. Thank you, Sweet P, Apple of My Eye, for the gifts you bring to my, and our family’s collective camino
Two of the three brightest spots on my every day camino--their Daddy is the third

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